I Will Go

Be My Witness


World Mission Support

The 10/40 window needs strategic evangelization “... in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” We must extend our reach despite the challenges we face in our territory especially in the unreached towns and barangays. We initially plan to send two (2) of our workers as foreign missionaries and allocate two percent (2%) of our tithe revenue to support Adventist Mission projects in those countries.


Involvement in Care Groups

Each member-disciple must be part of a care group. Maturity in spiritual growth takes place as disciples make disciples also. The care group dynamics allow the four-phase journey of discipleship, eventually producing healthy churches. Participating in various ministries within the care group life will ensure higher membership retention and development of gifts endowed by God.


Temple-building (or Church Planting) Participation

Baptisms should result in new congregations and church buildings. Leaders must be trained and developed to become faithful stewards of God’s flock and resources.


National Emergencies Response Volunteerism

Responding timely to community needs in times of disasters, including tragedies, are an excellent opportunity to make an impact for Christ and the Adventist work. Liaising with local government agencies, especially on health issues and family welfare can contribute to our witnessing endeavors.


Efficient Reporting

Strategic programs rely heavily on statistics and data analysis. The basis for effective programs will be concrete information on who needs what services and awareness, where it is most needed, why we would do this, and how we should do it. These are answered by prompt reporting from grassroots to NPUC. Data must continually be updated and made available. Adventist Church Management System (ACMS) database must be utilized to facilitate the work of witnessing.


Systematic Benevolence

Stewardship compliance programs must result in the faithfulness of the brethren in giving and all aspects of managing God’s resources. Accountability of leaders must be preserved at its highest. It will provide for every witnessing effort, including urban evangelism.


Schools and Sanitariums’ Influence and Spirit of Prophecy (SOP) Literature Distribution

Aggressive involvement in evangelism of our institutions in education (all levels), health, medical, and publishing ministries will catapult witnessing programs like never before since the Early Church experience of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.